Each document below contains a list of the lessons in each unit, as well as the list of memory work that is to be completed with each unit.
Units 1 and 2 are known as the "Green" units. These must be completed before a student can move on to the Blue. However, students can complete the Green units in any order. Both Bible Overview units contain the same list of memory work, so while the list looks large, the student is given two semesters to be able to recite all pieces.
Units 3, 4, and 5 are known as the "Blue" units. These can be completed in any order, and each unit contains a unique list of memory work that coordinates with the lessons being learned.
Unit 6 is known as the "Gold" unit, and is the final class for Catechism. Memory work in this unit is a compilation of all previous units.
Unit 3: Ten Commandments, Office of the Keys, Confession and Absolution
Unit 5: The Lord's Prayer & Baptism
Unit 6: Means of Grace, Sacrament of the Altar, Christian Life