Join us for Faith, Food, and Fun!
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Faith, Food, and Fun Day?
Historically, midweek and Catechism classes have been taught in the middle of the week. In order to adjust and be able to reach as many students as possible, we have switched to a Saturday School model, and are calling it “Faith, Food, and Fun Day.” “School” runs from 10 am to 11:30 am on Saturdays. Students will have breakfast before attending class.
What age is Faith, Food, and Fun Day for?
Any students grades 3-12 can join 3F.
What are you teaching?
We have selected the “Enduring Faith” Confirmation curriculum from Concordia Publishing House, and divided it into 6 units: Bible Overview 1; Bible Overview 2; Ten Commandments, Office of the Keys, Confession; The Creed; Lord’s Prayer and Baptism; and Means of Grace, Sacrament of the Altar, Christian Life. Memory work will be assigned for each unit that fits with what is being studied in class. Each unit will take one “semester,” so it is completable within 3 years (2 semesters/units per school year). More information on each unit can be found here.
How long will it take to be confirmed?
On average, it should take each student six semesters (or three school years) to complete all 6 units. Because we have designed our program to be completed in semesters instead of years, it is very flexible and allows new students to join at the beginning of any semester, instead of waiting for the start of a new school year like traditional Catechism studies.
What does each day look like?
9:45 |
Doors open |
10:00 |
Breakfast starts (doors lock at 10:15) |
10:30 |
Classes Start |
11:30 |
Parents/guardians pick up students |
Wow! That looks like a lot. Could you use any help?
Why, yes! We are always taking volunteers for teaching or helping in the kitchen. Volunteering can be as short or as long as you like. If you have an hour (or two) to donate on Saturdays, please get in touch with Pastor Awe at 531-218-5793 or call the church office (402-494-1847).